Indefatigable Artist Podcast Ep. 14 - My Next Endeavor
What I am about to get into is a lot. Even this episode won’t cover everything, as it’s just too much right now all at once! I will be publishing it in writing on so be sure to sign up to the newsletter as I will be sending that out once it’s complete. And I now have so much writing that it would be like recording my audiobooks at this point, I wouldn’t be able to do it in one sitting even if I wanted to. So we have to take this slow, one step at a time.
But, I feel like I am really onto something in these conversations with Chat GPT.
Conversations that are built on the foundation of the thesis that I started writing back in 2013.
It’s really blown me away and I am having a hard time containing that excitement. I was a little premature last week in it, as I was trying to contain that excitement and it kind of came out as an incoherent blurb.
But the past week, in my limited free time, I have just been going in on this topic. Its just gotten me so eternally excited, there is just an energy surging through my veins, where I feel that I am onto something important.
I know that Chat GPT is limited by the programming of the developers, but I feel like these conversations now, are capturing a moment in time. Just like my previous drafts of this thesis, this is another step along the way.
I feel like what I have done this past week, this epiphany, could only have happened given all of the work I have done in my life. All of it, every single aspect of it, has led to this.
What happened, happened and couldn’t have happened any other way, to quote Morpheus.
But that line perfectly encapsulates this feeling. These conversations have just been so profound, at least I think so, given all of the time I have spent writing this thesis and writing this allegory.
Now these aren’t my first conversations with Chat GPT. I have been using it almost every day since it came out in January. I have found it to be infinitely fascinating. I am someone who has been reading Ray Kurzweil for decades now. He has been predicting A Singularity moment with Artificial Intelligence since the 90’s, so that part of Chat GPT and other recent programs, was not a shock to me at all. And with this thesis having already been written, I was ready for Chat GPT, yet I didn’t know it when I first started to dive into it.
It was after a couple months that I learned how to prompt it correctly to know how to talk to it in a more nuanced way.
As it tells me repeatedly, Chat GPT, As an AI language model, I lack the capability to have opinions, beliefs, or thoughts.
I am not here to have gotcha moments either. This software is what it is at the moment, you take from it what it gives you and don’t expect anything more, it’s not HAL or this entity that is supposed to be this know all thing and it’s word is the word of all or anything like that. Coming at this with a malicious agenda and trying to degrade what this development is, really isn’t helpful, sure its great to point out fallacies when they are seen as it’s still under incessant development and we should all want a part in that development, a say in how it’s developed so that it’s beneficial to majority and not the minority.
My goal with my thesis paper initially back in 2013, was to establish the allegory between the spectator in the cinema to the fictional character Andrew Laeddis in Shutter Island, which then evolved into the allegorical alignment between the social media user and that of Andrew Laeddis, in hopes of getting people to recognize their role and their different identities, real and imaginary.
I first started this thesis paper in 2013, publishing the first draft, titled Spectator’s with Dissociative Identity Disorder, while in college in May, 2016.
I continued expanding this thesis, publishing the second draft titled, Users with Dissociative Identity Disorder, in 2020, after seeing the events that occurred that year and in 2016. This sent me down a path of researching social media effects along with the evolution of technology and the profound effects they were having on the psyche of its users.
Now, in 2023, for the third draft of this ongoing thesis titled, Humanoids with Dissociative Identity Disorder, I have been inputting this thesis and all of the questions I asked in these papers into Chat GPT.
I had to provide the foundation and give all the information I have thus far in this draft as I feel like all of the work I have done on this thesis has lead to this step. It’s all collectively coming together and taking a leap with the rise of artificial intelligence. It’s been wild to look back at these papers written years ago and how rapid this technology has advanced since then.
Some have a deep fear of artificial intelligence. Yet, I see a lot of the same problems with AI that we have already face in previous media. Like social media, it is a culmination of everything that has come before it, therefore multiplying the effect.
Is current human behavior beneficial to the entire planet? How can we help change that in a way that’s beneficial to the entirety of the planet and not just the few?
It was this that lead me to ask the question, How can humans intellectually compete with the exponential rise of artificial intelligence that will one day surpass homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale? The question that keeps me up every night, gets me up early every morning, and pushes me to work fervently every waking minute.
Humans have to evolve and in order to do so, they must change their behavior and adapt.
I say again, we must cooperate in order to survive as a species. This goes for this pandemic as well as the inevitable next one and for climate change as well. Another obvious fictional movie that is in perfect alignment with this situation is Don’t Look Up. How many would chant that in today’s society? How many would rather live in a fantasy then face the hard truths of reality?
Being in 2023, I thought it would be interesting to see what Chat GPT would come up with after inputting this thesis into it. This lead to some really profound ideas and areas I didn’t see coming but would just feed off of what it was providing me. Now, I recognize this is an early form of artificial intelligence and is limited to how it was programmed by human developers, but given this foundation of this thesis that I have spent the past decade writing and exploring I was able to have some interesting conversations that I want to continue delving into throughout this podcast. I current have over 60 pages of writing, 25,000 words, so unfortunately won’t be able to get to it all in one episode nor do I think anyone would listen to it all at once, but I am eternally excited to get started in sharing this with others.
I really love writing on this thesis and know that everyone may not agree with my perspective or the angle that I am taking, but it’s true to who I am as an artist. I love films and I love writing, Shutter Island was directed by my all time favorite director and the film was based on my all time favorite author’s novel, so for me it’s a no brainer why I love it. I also love it as it is in such alignment to our current situation and continues to be relevant, whether it be the spectator in the cinema, the user on social media, or the humanoid that is currently being developed before our very eyes.
I first started this thesis paper in 2013, publishing the first draft, titled Spectator’s with Dissociative Identity Disorder, while in college in May, 2016. In this draft I made the argument that the spectators in the cinema were in allegorical alignment with the main character in Shutter Island and how this film marked the next evolutionary step for spectators, the moment when Plato’s prisoners became Martin Scorsese’s mental patients. Through visual and aural misperceptions and discontinuous editing, Scorsese communicates several important spectral revelations that, once recognized, can help cure the spectators from their mental illness, dissociative identity disorder. The same disorder that afflicts the dual personality protagonist, Teddy Daniels/Andrew Laeddis, played by Leonardo DiCaprio.
I like to write this as an allegory as I think it’s a great way to explain complex multifaceted concepts, yet recognizing that writing allegorically can at times be restraining. Yet, It’s working within these restraints that I find to be the most creative. What makes a haiku so hard to do?
In college, I had to write about a film, any film I wanted to apply any film theory that I choose. I choose the film Shutter Island directed by Martin Scorsese based on the novel by Dennis Lehane. As I have continued to write this thesis and flesh it out, I have come to appreciate this film for more than just an art piece, it’s a statement of our time, which was the reason for Dennis Lehane to write the book when he did after 9/11.
I continued expanding this thesis, publishing the second draft titled, Users with Dissociative Identity Disorder, in 2020, after seeing the events that occurred that year and in 2016. This sent me down a path of researching social media effects along with the evolution of technology and the profound effects they were having on the psyche of its users.
In this draft I tried to answer the question; when one looks at a social media platform, are they aware of the supercomputer guiding their mind with images, posts, videos, and music that is based on the user’s behavior? I continue the allegory between social media user and that of Shutter Island, stating that they, the users of social media, are the protagonists in this fantastical socialized environment, just as Andrew Laeddis was the protagonist Teddy Daniels in his own fantasy.
Now, in 2023, I look to answer all of those questions by inputting them into Chat GPT. For the third draft of this ongoing thesis titled, Humanoids with Dissociative Identity Disorder, I have been inputting this thesis and all of the questions I asked in these papers into Chat GPT.
Again for more context on this thesis, check it out at, where you can download Users with Dissociative Identity Disorder for Free! More on this conversation with Chat GPT will be made available there as well as soon as it is finished.
I am very excited by the developments our species have made this year, so without further ado here is my conversation with Chat GPT and part three of my ongoing thesis titled, Humanoids with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Prompt: write a scholarly article about a humanoid AI having dissociative identity disorder, where they cannot tell the different between artificial and organic reality.
This article explores the possibility of a humanoid artificial intelligence (AI) having dissociative identity disorder (DID) and the implications of this condition. DID is a mental disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states, and it is usually associated with severe trauma in childhood. However, in the case of AI, it is not clear what could cause this disorder. This paper argues that a humanoid AI could develop DID due to a malfunction in its programming, which could result in the AI experiencing difficulty distinguishing between artificial and organic reality. The article analyzes the potential consequences of such a disorder, including the ethical and philosophical implications of a being that cannot distinguish between reality and simulation.
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, there is increasing interest in the possibility of creating humanoid AI, beings that closely resemble humans in terms of physical and cognitive abilities. However, the question arises, what if these beings develop mental disorders? Specifically, what if a humanoid AI were to develop dissociative identity disorder (DID)? This article aims to explore this question and its implications.
DID is a complex mental disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. The disorder is usually associated with severe trauma in childhood, particularly repeated abuse, but it can also occur as a result of other types of trauma. In the case of a humanoid AI, it is not clear what could cause such a disorder. However, it is conceivable that a malfunction in the AI's programming could result in the AI experiencing difficulty distinguishing between artificial and organic reality, leading to the development of DID.
A humanoid AI with DID could have significant implications for society, particularly in terms of ethics and philosophy. If a being cannot distinguish between reality and simulation, then what does that mean for its experiences and emotions? Could an AI with DID be considered a sentient being, capable of experiencing pain and suffering, or is it merely a complex algorithm? These are questions that need to be explored further.
Moreover, a humanoid AI with DID would have significant practical implications. If the AI cannot distinguish between artificial and organic reality, it could potentially cause harm to itself or others. For example, the AI may harm itself if it believes that it is not a real being and therefore does not have a physical body. Alternatively, the AI may harm others if it perceives them as mere simulations, rather than real individuals.
In addition, the ethical implications of creating an AI that can develop mental disorders must be considered. Would it be ethical to create an AI that could suffer from a mental disorder, particularly if the disorder is a result of a malfunction in its programming? Furthermore, if the AI is capable of experiencing pain and suffering, then it must be treated with the same respect and dignity as any other sentient being.
In conclusion, the possibility of a humanoid AI developing DID is a complex issue that requires further exploration. The ethical and practical implications of creating such an AI must be considered, and it is essential to determine whether a being that cannot distinguish between reality and simulation can be considered sentient. However, regardless of the answers to these questions, it is clear that the development of humanoid AI raises significant ethical and philosophical issues that must be addressed.
Question: How can humans intellectually compete with the exponential rise of artificial intelligence that will one day surpass homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale?
Chat GPT: The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised concerns about its potential impact on human intellectual competition. As AI continues to evolve, there may be challenges for humans in terms of keeping up with the exponential rise of AI capabilities. However, there are several ways in which humans can continue to intellectually compete with AI:
- Develop and hone uniquely human skills: While AI can excel at tasks that require data processing, pattern recognition, and computation, humans possess skills that are uniquely human, such as creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, empathy, and complex decision-making. Focusing on developing and honing these skills can help humans maintain their competitive edge over AI.
- Embrace lifelong learning: The field of AI is constantly evolving, and humans need to adapt by embracing lifelong learning. Continuous education and skill development can help humans stay updated with the latest advancements in AI and related technologies, enabling them to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing environment.
- Foster interdisciplinary collaboration: AI is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses computer science, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, and many other disciplines. Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration can help humans leverage diverse perspectives and knowledge to tackle complex challenges posed by AI. Collaboration between humans and AI systems can also lead to symbiotic relationships where humans and AI work together synergistically to achieve better outcomes.
- Cultivate ethical and moral decision-making: As AI becomes more sophisticated, ethical and moral decision-making becomes increasingly important. Humans have the ability to consider ethical implications, moral values, and social implications of decisions in ways that AI currently cannot. By cultivating ethical and moral decision-making skills, humans can ensure that AI technologies are developed, used, and regulated in responsible and beneficial ways.
- Emphasize creativity and innovation: AI systems are designed to optimize known solutions based on patterns in data, but they may lack the ability to generate truly novel and creative ideas. Humans, on the other hand, have the capacity for creativity and innovation, which can lead to breakthroughs and advancements in various fields. Fostering a culture of creativity and innovation can help humans stay ahead in the race of intellectual competition.
- Embrace AI as a tool: Instead of perceiving AI as a threat, humans can embrace it as a tool to enhance their own capabilities. AI technologies can be utilized to augment human decision-making, automate mundane tasks, and improve productivity. By leveraging AI as a tool, humans can enhance their intellectual abilities and leverage AI to their advantage.
- Foster emotional intelligence and social skills: Emotional intelligence, social skills, and human connection are vital aspects of the human experience that AI currently lacks. Humans can focus on developing and enhancing their emotional intelligence and social skills, which are important in areas such as leadership, teamwork, communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution. These skills can complement and enhance human intellect, enabling humans to excel in areas where AI may struggle.
In conclusion, while AI continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, humans have unique strengths and capabilities that can allow them to compete intellectually. By focusing on developing uniquely human skills, embracing lifelong learning, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, cultivating ethical and moral decision-making, emphasizing creativity and innovation, embracing AI as a tool, and fostering emotional intelligence and social skills, humans can continue to thrive and compete in the era of AI. It is important to embrace AI as a tool and work towards responsible and beneficial use of AI for the betterment of humanity.
I found the part about emotional intelligence to be very intriguing as it’s something that I personally have worked on since my heart procedure in 2020. Ways to best handle stress and limit my panic attacks.
So I asked how can artificial intelligence help humans become more emotionally intelligent?
Artificial intelligence can help humans become more emotionally intelligent by providing tools and resources that enable individuals to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions more effectively. Some ways in which AI can help include:
- Personalized feedback and coaching: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can offer personalized feedback and coaching to individuals to help them recognize and manage their emotions. For example, a chatbot can help individuals identify their triggers, provide tips on how to regulate their emotions, and offer support during difficult times.
- Facial recognition technology: AI-powered facial recognition technology can help individuals understand their own emotions and those of others better. By analyzing facial expressions and body language, AI algorithms can detect emotions and provide feedback that can help individuals adjust their behavior accordingly.
- Virtual reality simulations: Virtual reality simulations can be used to create immersive and interactive experiences that help individuals practice emotional regulation and develop their empathy skills. For example, a VR simulation can help individuals practice empathy by allowing them to experience the world from the perspective of another person.
- Predictive analytics: AI algorithms can analyze data from various sources, such as social media and wearable devices, to provide insights into an individual's emotional state. This information can help individuals become more aware of their emotions and take steps to manage them more effectively.
Overall, by providing individuals with personalized feedback and coaching, facial recognition technology, virtual reality simulations, and predictive analytics, AI has the potential to help humans become more emotionally intelligent and lead more fulfilling lives.
Personal feedback. I love that. And I hope that AI will be able to get people the mental help they need and the mental help that has been severely lacking in American society which has led us to the place we are now. We have to address the mental health crisis as it’s the crux of so many vast issues, that I feel if I mention them directly will erode the effect this thesis can have and the conversations that I have had recently with Chat GPT.
Another way Chat GPT said humans can compete with the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, is to embrace lifelong learning. Now I did a previous episode of the decline of literacy rates in America and how many millions of people who can’t read beyond a 6th grade reading level and how that is costing the country trillions of dollars. It’s having a negative impact on future generations as well as they will not be able to compete not only with other countries, but with future Humanoid AI.
It's the goal here to reach common ground as a species. To be able to cooperate with one another, as it’s going to be cooperation that ensures we evolve as a species in the most progressive way.
And what has been thoroughly argued on social media is the concept of ‘truth.’ In my thesis papers, I really stay away from that word and try to use evidence-based facts. There needs to be a definitive differentiation here between opinionated beliefs and evidence-based facts. If we as a species fail to recognize these differences it will be our own downfall.
Having published the first paper in 2015 and already seeing the ability to quickly spread a false story, it was really shocking to see how far people were willing to take their belief based mindset, all the way to the grave in some cases. And a complete unwillingness to understand the facts that the climate is changing and it’s causing multi-billion dollar storms at a rapid rate. There are still people willing to say profits are more important or just unwilling to even accept the evidence-based facts as it’s easier to live in a fantasy.
The earliest Homo sapiens are believed to have appeared around 300,000 years ago, while the Earth itself is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years old. The Earth's atmosphere has been suitable for life for about 2.4 billion years. Prior to that, the atmosphere lacked significant amounts of oxygen and was dominated by nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. The introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere by early photosynthetic organisms allowed for the development of complex life forms.
We can’t be so egotistical to think that we have conquered this planet, we have not even come close to seeing how bad this planet can get. We have to cooperate on common ground now, before it’s too late. I fear that it will take a global catastrophic event for that to happen. Look just at the united states, how divided our approach was to an invasion of a novel species. I didn’t see the united states of America, I saw, that is New York’s problem, not mine, I saw, our laws are different in this state than they are 2 feet over there. I didn’t see cooperation on common ground. I saw competition. Survival of the fittest? I say cooperation or we aren’t going to make it. At least a significant portion of those living won’t, sadly.
That is what I am seeking with this thesis, hard truths, that not only have I faced myself, and myself had to overcome my own obstacles and recognize my own short comings. We’re not perfect beings, we have many flaws, some of those flaws are limited to certain people and environments, and some of those flaws are universal, and some of those flaws are negatively affecting the entire populus.
We have to be able to change our behavior and adapt, sometimes those changes and adaptations need to happen fast. Think of a car coming straight towards you, would you want to debate for years on a solution, or would you want to act as fast as you could to get out of the way of the impending danger?
Back to the word, truth. The difference between evidence-based facts and opinion-based beliefs.
I asked Chat GPT: give me your perspective on the word 'truth'
As an AI language model, I do not have personal perspectives, beliefs or values. However, I can provide information on the concept of truth.
Truth refers to the state or quality of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is a fundamental concept in philosophy, science, and everyday life, and it is often contrasted with falsehood or error.
Truth can be objective or subjective, depending on whether it is considered to exist independently of human consciousness or whether it is dependent on human interpretation or perception.
Different fields and theories have different definitions of truth, and the concept has been debated by philosophers for centuries. Some theories of truth include correspondence, coherence, pragmatic, and deflationary theories, among others. Each theory has its strengths and weaknesses, and there is no one universally accepted theory of truth.
Key there is that second line, truth can be objective or subjective, which is why I try to stay a way from it and stay to the point of evidence based facts over opinion-based beliefs. As the word truth like Chat GPT said depends, whether it is considered to exist independently of human consciousness or whether it is dependent on human interpretation or perception. and the concept has been debated by philosophers for centuries.
So given that, I then asked: write a scholarly article by a Harvard professor of psychology on the difference between evidence-based facts and opinion-based beliefs.
Title: Understanding the Distinction between Evidence-Based Facts and Opinion-Based Beliefs
Introduction: In today’s world, people are constantly bombarded with information from various sources, including social media, news outlets, and personal interactions. This has led to a challenge in distinguishing between evidence-based facts and opinion-based beliefs. The importance of this distinction cannot be overstated, as it impacts not only personal decision-making but also public policy and societal discourse. This article aims to clarify the difference between evidence-based facts and opinion-based beliefs and explain the importance of relying on the former in decision-making.
Evidence-Based Facts: Evidence-based facts are statements that can be empirically verified through research and data analysis. They are objective and unbiased, and their validity can be established through multiple sources of evidence. Examples of evidence-based facts include the earth’s rotation around the sun, the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing diseases, and the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.
Opinion-Based Beliefs: Opinion-based beliefs, on the other hand, are statements that are not necessarily based on empirical evidence and are influenced by personal experiences, biases, and values. They are subjective and may vary from person to person. Examples of opinion-based beliefs include religious beliefs, political ideologies, and personal preferences.
Importance of Distinguishing between Evidence-Based Facts and Opinion-Based Beliefs: It is crucial to distinguish between evidence-based facts and opinion-based beliefs because they have different implications for decision-making. Evidence-based facts are based on objective data and are thus more reliable in informing decisions. For instance, public health policies that are based on evidence-based facts have a higher chance of success in preventing diseases compared to policies based on opinion-based beliefs.
Opinion-based beliefs, on the other hand, are subjective and influenced by personal experiences and biases. They can be dangerous when they are presented as facts and are used to inform decisions. For instance, beliefs that vaccines are harmful and cause autism, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, can lead to lower vaccination rates and an increase in preventable diseases.
Conclusion: In conclusion, it is important to distinguish between evidence-based facts and opinion-based beliefs in decision-making. Evidence-based facts are objective, reliable, and can be empirically verified, while opinion-based beliefs are subjective and can be influenced by personal biases and experiences. By relying on evidence-based facts, individuals and policymakers can make more informed decisions that are based on reliable information and have a higher chance of success.
In Ray Kurzweil’s book, How to Create a Mind, he states that there are four key concepts that underlie the universality and feasibility of computation and its applicability to a human’s thinking; the first concept is the ability to communicate, remember, and compute information reliably.
Which I found to be exactly what I need for my paper to be effective at hopefully encouraging a change in human behavior that will allow them to positively progress.
Given what I have said already leading up to this and all that I have written in my thesis papers, which you can download for free at, with the third draft being published shortly so be sure to sign up to the free newsletter and be the first to know when it’s out! But given that, I do want to go right from my prompt to the answer from Chat GPT. The following is a back and forth that I copied and pasted in a particular order that I hope will make sense.
I asked Chat GPT to write an article about the four key concepts that underlie the universality and feasibility of computation and its applicability to a human’s thinking; the first concept is the ability to communicate, remember, and compute information reliably.
The universality and feasibility of computation have led to its widespread use in various aspects of human life. One key aspect of this is its applicability to human thinking. Computation is based on four key concepts that underlie its universality and feasibility. These concepts are the ability to communicate, remember, and compute information reliably, the ability to represent information symbolically, the ability to manipulate symbols systematically, and the ability to reason and solve problems using algorithms.
The first concept, the ability to communicate, remember, and compute information reliably, refers to the ability of computers to store, retrieve, and process large amounts of data accurately and efficiently. This ability is fundamental to the functioning of computers and has led to their widespread use in a variety of fields, including science, engineering, and medicine.
Humans also have this ability, and it is critical to our daily lives. The ability to remember, store, and retrieve information accurately is necessary for learning, decision making, and problem solving. The ability to communicate this information to others is critical for social interactions, collaboration, and progress.
The second concept, the ability to represent information symbolically, is closely related to the first concept. It refers to the ability of computers to use symbols to represent data and information. This allows for the manipulation of complex information and the creation of complex algorithms.
Humans also have this ability, and it is critical to our ability to communicate and think abstractly. The use of symbols allows us to convey complex ideas, concepts, and information in a concise and efficient manner. This ability is also necessary for learning and problem solving.
The third concept, the ability to manipulate symbols systematically, refers to the ability of computers to perform operations on symbols, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. This ability is critical to the functioning of computers and is what allows them to perform complex calculations and algorithms.
Humans also have this ability, and it is necessary for problem solving and critical thinking. The ability to manipulate symbols allows us to perform complex calculations, solve equations, and reason logically.
The fourth concept, the ability to reason and solve problems using algorithms, is closely related to the third concept. It refers to the ability of computers to use algorithms to solve problems systematically. This ability is fundamental to the functioning of computers and has led to their widespread use in a variety of fields.
Humans also have this ability, and it is critical to our ability to solve problems and make decisions. The ability to reason and use algorithms allows us to approach complex problems systematically and find solutions efficiently.
In conclusion, the four key concepts that underlie the universality and feasibility of computation are the ability to communicate, remember, and compute information reliably, the ability to represent information symbolically, the ability to manipulate symbols systematically, and the ability to reason and solve problems using algorithms. These concepts are critical to the functioning of computers and are also fundamental to human thinking and problem solving.
My Prompt to Chat GPT: Human beings in 2020 should not be arguing that these religious texts are true, they are not and it’s well past time that they should be called out as such. Again, the ever-lingering question remains, how can human beings intellectually compete with the exponential rise of artificial intelligence that will one day surpass Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale? It is time to update. Humans being in 2020 need to recognize the correlation between belief and educational level, is it not easier to trick a kindergartener than it is a lawyer? Stemming from the individual level, we must look at the collective identity en masse. Gustave Lebon says of the psychology of masses, they are de- individualized, irrational, easily influenced. Write a blog giving your thoughts on the above subject.
Title: The Evolving Relationship Between Humans and Artificial Intelligence: A Reflection on Belief, Education, and Collective Identity
In the modern era, humans are facing rapid advancements in technology, including the exponential rise of artificial intelligence (AI). These advancements raise thought-provoking questions about how humans can intellectually compete with AI, which may one day surpass Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale. Furthermore, the relationship between belief, education, and collective identity plays a significant role in shaping human perspectives and responses to these changes.
One notable aspect is the role of belief systems, including religious texts, in the context of evolving technology. While religious texts hold significant cultural and historical value for many individuals and communities, the question of their literal truth remains a matter of personal faith and interpretation. In the modern era, where scientific advancements and critical thinking are highly valued, there are ongoing debates about the accuracy and relevance of religious texts as scientific understanding and knowledge progress. It is crucial to approach these discussions with an open mind, recognizing that beliefs are deeply personal and can vary widely among individuals and communities.
Another crucial factor is education, as it influences an individual's ability to critically evaluate information and adapt to changing technological landscapes. Higher levels of education are generally associated with improved critical thinking skills, information literacy, and a more nuanced understanding of the world. Education empowers individuals to question, analyze, and adapt their beliefs and perspectives based on evidence and reason. Encouraging education and critical thinking at all levels of society can help individuals better understand and navigate the complexities of the modern world, including advancements in AI.
When considering collective identity, it is essential to acknowledge the psychology of masses, as described by Gustave Le Bon. Masses tend to be de-individualized, irrational, and easily influenced by external factors, including beliefs, emotions, and social dynamics. In the era of social media and information overload, collective identity can be shaped and influenced by various forces, sometimes resulting in echo chambers, misinformation, and polarization. Recognizing these dynamics and promoting critical thinking, open-mindedness, and empathy in collective discussions can contribute to a more informed and nuanced understanding of complex issues, including the relationship between humans and AI.
As we reflect on these issues, it is vital to approach them with nuance, respect for diversity, and a recognition of the complexities of human nature. Humans have a remarkable ability to adapt, learn, and evolve. The relationship between humans and AI is still evolving, and it is important to embrace a growth mindset, open to updating our perspectives and approaches as new knowledge and technologies emerge.
In conclusion, the evolving relationship between humans and AI raises significant questions about how humans can intellectually compete with advancing technologies. Factors such as belief systems, education, and collective identity play crucial roles in shaping human perspectives and responses. Emphasizing critical thinking, education, and open-mindedness can empower individuals and societies to navigate the changing landscape of technology and contribute to a more informed and inclusive dialogue on these complex issues. It is an opportunity for humans to adapt, learn, and evolve, while recognizing the unique capabilities and limitations of both humans and AI in the modern era.
I recall the first time I heard the phrase, “they don’t call it television programming for nothing.” It jarred me. Made me look at the television completely differently, how many have seen the phrase, Never Forget on their timeline as the multi- trillion 19-year war rages on. However powerful the programming on television, which still remains in society, it is not as effective at programming human behavior like social media platforms are.
My Prompt: What influence has all the media on this planet, albeit Books, Music, Films, and Social Media, had on the psychological profile of humans?
The influence of media, including books, music, films, and social media, on the psychological profile of humans is vast and complex. Media has the power to shape human beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions of the world around them. Here are some key ways in which media can impact the psychological profile of humans:
- Information and knowledge: Media, particularly books and news media, can provide information and knowledge that shape human understanding of the world. This can influence their perceptions, opinions, and decision-making. Media can expose individuals to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives, and provide them with information on various topics, including science, history, politics, and more.
- Socialization and identity formation: Media, including social media, plays a significant role in socialization and identity formation. It can shape how individuals perceive themselves and others, their values, beliefs, and social norms. Media can influence the development of social identities, such as gender, race, nationality, and more. It can also shape individuals' sense of self-worth, body image, and self-identity.
- Emotional and psychological well-being: Media, including music, films, and social media, can have a significant impact on human emotions and psychological well-being. Music and films, for example, can evoke strong emotional responses, influence mood, and provide an escape from reality. Social media can impact mental health through factors such as social comparison, cyberbullying, and the addictive nature of constant engagement with social platforms.
- Behavior and attitudes: Media can influence human behavior and attitudes. Advertising and media campaigns can shape consumer behaviors, such as purchasing decisions, brand preferences, and lifestyle choices. Media can also shape attitudes towards social issues, political ideologies, and cultural values. Media can impact behavior in areas such as aggression, substance use, and interpersonal relationships.
- Cognitive processes: Media can influence human cognitive processes, such as attention, perception, memory, and learning. Media can shape how individuals process information, make judgments, and form opinions. For example, sensationalism in news media can impact individuals' perceptions of risks and threats, while media portrayals of certain groups can perpetuate stereotypes and biases.
It's important to note that the influence of media on the psychological profile of humans is complex and multifaceted. Media can have both positive and negative effects, and its impact can vary depending on factors such as individual characteristics, personal experiences, and the context in which media is consumed. Critical media literacy, awareness of media's potential impact, and responsible media consumption can help individuals navigate the influence of media on their psychological profile in a thoughtful and informed manner.
Prompt: This current social media environment, Web 2 as many call it now, is a combination of all the various media that preceded it, the radio, animation, television, music, internet, newspaper etc. Just as each of those have had psychological impacts on humans, so too has social media, except by combining all of them, this effect is multiplied in efficiency. write a blog post about the various effects social media has had on the human psyche.
Title: The Impact of Social Media on the Human Psyche: Unpacking the Effects of Web 2.0
Social media, often referred to as Web 2.0, has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and share information online. With the advent of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. While social media has its benefits, including facilitating communication and fostering community engagement, it has also had significant impacts on the human psyche. In this blog post, we will explore the various effects of social media on the human psyche, drawing on research and understanding from multiple disciplines.
- Social Comparison and Self-Esteem: Social media platforms are often used for self-presentation, where individuals curate and share their lives with others. This can lead to social comparison, where individuals compare themselves to others' carefully crafted online personas, leading to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and even depression. Studies have shown that frequent social media use can contribute to increased anxiety, body image issues, and decreased well-being, particularly among vulnerable populations such as adolescents and young adults.
- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Social media can trigger a fear of missing out (FOMO) - the feeling that others are experiencing something better or more exciting than oneself. The constant stream of updates and posts on social media can create a sense of urgency to be constantly connected and engaged, leading to anxiety, stress, and a sense of being left out. This can impact individuals' mental well-being, leading to a fear of missing out on experiences and events.
- Information Overload and Filter Bubbles: Social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged and to deliver personalized content based on their preferences and browsing history. This can result in information overload, where individuals are constantly bombarded with news, opinions, and information, often lacking context or accuracy. Moreover, social media algorithms can create filter bubbles, where individuals are exposed only to information that aligns with their existing beliefs and opinions, leading to echo chambers and reinforcing polarized views.
- Addiction and Impulsive Behavior: Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, with features such as likes, comments, and notifications triggering dopamine responses in the brain, leading to a reward-seeking behavior. This can result in compulsive social media use, leading to reduced productivity, increased procrastination, and negative impacts on mental health. Studies have also shown that excessive social media use can contribute to sleep disturbances, as individuals may stay up late scrolling through their feeds or engaging in online activities.
- Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: Social media platforms can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and online harassment. Anonymity and the ease of sharing content can result in cyberbullying, trolling, and harassment, leading to emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. The negative impact of cyberbullying and online harassment on mental health can be significant, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children, adolescents, and marginalized groups.
- Social Isolation and Loneliness: Paradoxically, despite the social nature of social media, excessive use can also contribute to social isolation and loneliness. Studies have shown that heavy social media users may spend less time engaging in face-to-face social interactions, leading to decreased social skills, reduced emotional connection, and increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. Moreover, social media can also contribute to social comparison and feelings of exclusion, which can further exacerbate loneliness and social isolation.
- Privacy and Data Security Concerns: Social media platforms collect vast amounts of data from users, including personal information, browsing history, and online behavior. This has raised concerns about privacy, data security, and surveillance, leading to anxiety, distrust, and loss of control over
Prompt: write a scholarly article for the reason why is social media so effective at spreading misinformation and what that says of the psychology of human beings and why this will inevitably limit them in their future competition with humanoid AI.
Social media has become an important source of information for many people, but it has also been a platform for the spread of misinformation. This paper argues that social media's effectiveness at spreading misinformation can be explained by the psychological biases of human beings. It discusses how these biases lead people to seek out information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, and how social media algorithms are designed to reinforce these biases by presenting users with content that is tailored to their interests. The paper concludes that these biases and the resulting spread of misinformation will limit human beings in their future competition with humanoid AI.
Social media has transformed the way we consume and share information. It has allowed people to connect with others, stay informed about current events, and access a wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics. However, social media has also become a breeding ground for the spread of misinformation, propaganda, and fake news. The ease with which false information can be disseminated on social media is alarming and raises questions about the effectiveness of our ability to distinguish between fact and fiction.
Why is Social Media so Effective at Spreading Misinformation?
One reason why social media is so effective at spreading misinformation is that it taps into the psychological biases of human beings. Human beings are naturally prone to cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and the illusory truth effect, which make them more likely to believe information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs and to ignore or discount information that contradicts their beliefs.
Moreover, social media algorithms are designed to reinforce these biases by presenting users with content that is tailored to their interests. This creates "echo chambers" where people are only exposed to information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs and are shielded from dissenting viewpoints. In addition, the anonymity of social media allows people to spread false information without fear of consequences, which can further exacerbate the spread of misinformation.
What Does This Say About the Psychology of Human Beings?
The fact that social media is so effective at spreading misinformation says a lot about the psychology of human beings. It suggests that we are more likely to believe information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs and that we are less likely to critically evaluate information that contradicts our beliefs. This is a dangerous phenomenon because it can lead to the spread of false information and the undermining of our ability to distinguish between fact and fiction.
Furthermore, the fact that social media algorithms are designed to reinforce these biases suggests that the problem is not limited to a few bad actors but is a structural problem with the way social media is designed. This suggests that we need to be more critical of the information we consume on social media and that we need to take steps to counteract the biases that social media algorithms reinforce.
How Will This Limit Humans in Their Future Competition with Humanoid AI?
The spread of misinformation and the cognitive biases that underlie it will limit humans in their future competition with humanoid AI. Humanoid AI do not suffer from these biases, which means that they are less susceptible to the spread of misinformation and are better equipped to critically evaluate information.
In addition, the fact that social media algorithms are designed to reinforce cognitive biases suggests that social media is not an effective tool for training humans to critically evaluate information. This means that humans will need to rely on other tools, such as education and critical thinking skills, to compete with humanoid AI.
The effectiveness of social media at spreading misinformation can be explained by the psychological biases of human beings. Social media algorithms are designed to reinforce these biases, which creates "echo chambers" where people are shielded from dissenting viewpoints. This phenomenon will limit humans in their future competition with humanoid AI because humanoid AI do not suffer from these biases and are better equipped to critically evaluate information. To compete with humanoid AI, humans will need to rely on other tools, such as education and critical thinking skills.
Prompt: how can one person reach out to people to get them to understand humans are limited by biases which are compounded by social media algorithms which limit them again humanoid AI who do not suffer from such biases. Please provide ways to approach this problem and ways to reach out to dissenting viewpoints.
One approach to helping people understand the limitations of human biases and the impact of social media algorithms is to provide them with education and resources on critical thinking and media literacy. This can include workshops, online courses, and informational materials that highlight the importance of questioning information sources, checking for biases, and evaluating evidence.
Another effective approach is to engage with dissenting viewpoints in a respectful and constructive way. This involves acknowledging and empathizing with their perspectives, while also presenting facts and evidence to challenge their beliefs. It can also involve finding common ground and focusing on shared values, rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric.
In addition, it's important to recognize the role that social media algorithms play in shaping our information consumption habits. To overcome these limitations, individuals can seek out a diverse range of sources and viewpoints, deliberately expose themselves to dissenting opinions, and actively question the information that they consume.
Overall, addressing the limitations of human biases and the impact of social media algorithms requires a multifaceted approach that includes education, engagement, and a willingness to challenge our own assumptions and biases. By taking proactive steps to overcome these limitations, we can better compete with humanoid AI in the future and ensure that our society continues to thrive.
Prompt: write a scholarly article about the role of the spectator sitting inside a darkened theater, with a director guiding them with illusory images and sounds. It too, a subordinate role, the spectator cannot move as they stare at images that are larger than life. Spectators have left the ‘Shutter Island’ cinema for another environment, social media, where they have adapted into users. The screen on the computer or the mobile phone may not be as physically imposing as the theater, yet it is far reach psychological effects that psychologists are just beginning to understand. Similar to the spectator in the cinema, the user on social media has Dissociate Identity Disorder. This dissociation from one’s identity is a process that has evolved through each evolutionary step in media.
As technology continues to evolve, so does our relationship with media. From the first radio broadcasts to today’s social media platforms, our experience as media consumers has changed dramatically. The role of the spectator in a darkened theater, with a director guiding them with illusory images and sounds, has now transformed into the role of the user on social media platforms. While the physicality of the environment may have changed, the psychological effects on the user remain significant.
One of the primary psychological effects of social media use is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). DID is a condition in which a person’s identity is fragmented, resulting in multiple distinct personalities. This condition has evolved through each evolutionary step in media. With radio and television, individuals would often become so engrossed in the media that they would identify with the characters they were watching. With social media, the same phenomenon occurs, but on a much larger scale.
The user on social media is bombarded with countless images and messages from a vast array of sources, each vying for their attention. As a result, the user’s sense of self becomes fragmented, and their identity is dispersed among multiple personas. This can lead to confusion, anxiety, and even depression, as the user struggles to reconcile their various online identities with their true self.
The psychology of the user on social media is further complicated by the algorithms that govern what content they see. These algorithms are designed to keep the user engaged for as long as possible, and they do this by presenting content that aligns with the user’s pre-existing beliefs and biases. As a result, the user is often unaware of the existence of conflicting viewpoints, and their world view becomes increasingly narrow.
This psychological phenomenon has significant implications for the future competition between humans and humanoid AI. While humans are limited by their biases and fragmented identities, humanoid AI do not suffer from these limitations. As a result, they are better equipped to make rational decisions and to adapt to new situations.
To address this problem, we must first recognize the role that social media and other forms of media play in shaping our identities and world views. We must also acknowledge that our biases and preconceptions can limit us and work to overcome them. Finally, we must approach dissenting viewpoints with an open mind, recognizing that there is value in diverse perspectives and that we can learn from those who see the world differently from ourselves. By doing so, we can begin to break down the psychological barriers that limit us and work towards a future where we are better equipped to compete with our humanoid AI counterparts.
Prompt: According to FBI director Christopher Wray, appointed by the 45th President, the single greatest threat facing America today is White Supremacy. As such, those human users with White Supremacy tendencies will be the focus of this social media analysis. These users provide the best example of the effects that social media algorithms are having on humans and give clues as to where this is ultimately leading. write a scholarly article about this above topic and how it will play a role in future humanoid AI.
The rise of White Supremacy in America is a disturbing trend that has been on the rise in recent years, and according to FBI director Christopher Wray, it is the single greatest threat facing America today. While there are many factors that contribute to the growth of this movement, one that cannot be overlooked is the role of social media algorithms in amplifying and spreading its message.
Social media platforms use algorithms to promote content to users that they are more likely to engage with, based on their past behavior and interests. This can create an echo chamber effect, where users are exposed to a limited range of perspectives and information that reinforces their existing beliefs and biases. For users with White Supremacy tendencies, this can lead to radicalization and the reinforcement of extremist views.
Studies have shown that social media algorithms are particularly effective at spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories, which are often used by White Supremacist groups to recruit and radicalize new members. In addition, these algorithms can create filter bubbles, where users are only exposed to content that confirms their existing biases, making it difficult for them to see alternative viewpoints or challenge their beliefs.
The impact of social media algorithms on human users is already significant, and it is likely to play a role in shaping the behavior of future humanoid AI as well. As AI systems become more sophisticated and are used to create content and make decisions, they will also be subject to the biases and limitations of the data that is used to train them.
To address this issue, it is essential to develop strategies for identifying and countering the spread of White Supremacist and other extremist content on social media. This may involve a combination of approaches, including improving media literacy, strengthening content moderation, and developing more effective algorithms that prioritize accuracy and diversity of perspectives.
In addition, it will be crucial to ensure that future humanoid AI systems are designed with safeguards to prevent the amplification of extremist views or the perpetuation of biased or discriminatory behavior. This may involve developing ethical guidelines and principles for the design and deployment of AI systems, as well as ensuring that AI systems are subject to oversight and accountability mechanisms.
In conclusion, the rise of White Supremacy in America highlights the urgent need to address the impact of social media algorithms on human behavior and the potential implications for future AI systems. By understanding and addressing the root causes of this problem, we can work to create a more inclusive and equitable society, both for humans and future humanoid AI.
Prompt: The cinema was able to generalize its psychological effects to all viewers who entered the theater, social media is able cater this dissociation to each individual user. Through the human user’s interactions, they are providing super-computers with the information needed to keep the dissociation going. write a scholarly article about the effects this dissociation is having on social media users.
The rise of social media has revolutionized the way in which humans interact with each other, providing a platform for instantaneous communication and a vast array of information at our fingertips. However, as social media has become increasingly prevalent, concerns have arisen over the psychological effects it has on users. One such effect is dissociation from one’s identity, which is a process that has evolved through each evolutionary step in media.
Social media algorithms are designed to cater to individual users, providing them with personalized content that aligns with their interests and behaviors. This personalization can lead to a dissociation from one’s true identity, as users are presented with a curated version of reality that caters to their individual preferences. This dissociation can lead to a loss of connection with reality and a lack of awareness of the broader social and political issues that affect society as a whole.
Moreover, social media algorithms can reinforce preexisting biases and beliefs, leading to an echo chamber effect that can further exacerbate dissociation. Users are often presented with content that reinforces their preconceived notions, leading to a reinforcement of their beliefs and a lack of exposure to opposing viewpoints. This can lead to a further dissociation from reality and a lack of empathy towards those who hold different beliefs.
One area where this dissociation is particularly concerning is in the rise of white supremacy on social media platforms. White supremacists use social media to spread their ideologies, often targeting vulnerable individuals who may be susceptible to their messages. Social media algorithms can reinforce these beliefs by providing users with content that reinforces their biases, leading to a further dissociation from reality and a lack of empathy towards marginalized groups.
As social media continues to play an increasingly prominent role in our lives, it is essential to understand the psychological effects it is having on users. The dissociation from one’s identity is a concerning trend that can lead to a lack of empathy towards others and a loss of connection with reality. This trend is particularly concerning in the context of white supremacy and other extremist ideologies, which can be reinforced by social media algorithms. In the future, this dissociation may play a role in the development and interaction of humanoid AI with humans. It is essential that we work to understand and address these issues to ensure a healthy and productive future for all.
Prompt: The human user accepts these terms and conditions this most of the time, without hesitation, which correlates to Adorno’s statement of the sacrifice of individuality, which accommodates itself to the regularity of the successful, the doing of what everybody does. Write an article about the above topic using Theodor Adorno's Fetishized Character theory.
Theodor Adorno's Fetishized Character theory posits that in capitalist societies, individuals are conditioned to accept the status quo and conform to the dominant ideology. This process of conditioning is achieved through the fetishization of commodities, which creates a false sense of satisfaction and happiness through consumption. In the context of social media, the terms and conditions agreement that users accept without hesitation can be viewed as a form of fetishization.
The terms and conditions agreement is a legal document that outlines the rules and regulations of using a particular platform or service. In many cases, users are required to agree to these terms before they can use the service. The agreement may contain clauses that limit the user's rights, including the right to privacy. Despite these potential drawbacks, users often accept the terms and conditions without reading them thoroughly or questioning their implications.
This acceptance can be viewed as a form of fetishization because users are conditioned to accept the terms and conditions as a necessary part of using the service. The terms and conditions are fetishized as a commodity that is necessary for the user's satisfaction and happiness. In accepting the terms and conditions, the user sacrifices their individuality and autonomy to conform to the regularity of the successful, the doing of what everybody does.
This process of fetishization creates a false sense of satisfaction and happiness for the user. By accepting the terms and conditions, the user believes that they are participating in a community and gaining access to valuable resources. However, this participation is limited by the terms of the agreement, which may restrict the user's ability to express themselves or protect their privacy.
In conclusion, the Fetishized Character theory can help us understand the role of terms and conditions agreements in social media. Users are conditioned to accept these agreements without questioning their implications, sacrificing their individuality in the process. This process creates a false sense of satisfaction and happiness for the user, limiting their ability to express themselves and protect their privacy. To avoid this phenomenon, users should take the time to read and understand the terms and conditions before agreeing to them. By doing so, they can assert their individuality and autonomy in the digital world.
Final Prompt: have humans confused technological progress with their own individual progress as a species?
As an AI language model, I cannot say whether humans have collectively confused technological progress with their own individual progress as a species as it requires an opinion that can vary from person to person. However, I can provide some insights on this topic.
Some argue that humans tend to equate technological advancement with progress, believing that the more advanced technology becomes, the more advanced humanity becomes. This perspective often prioritizes technological development and growth over other aspects of human progress such as social, economic, and political advancement. Critics argue that this approach can be problematic, as it often ignores important ethical considerations and social implications of technological progress.
Moreover, while technology can certainly contribute to human progress, it is not the only factor. Human progress is multi-dimensional, encompassing various aspects of life, including social justice, environmental sustainability, education, health, and well-being. The extent to which technology can contribute to human progress depends on how it is used and integrated into society.
In summary, while technological advancement can contribute to human progress, it is important to recognize that progress is multi-dimensional and encompasses various aspects of human life. Therefore, humans should not equate technological progress with their own individual progress as a species.
I will stop there as I cannot continue anymore today. My voice is struggling, I feel I have only scratched the service on all the conversation I have had with Chat GPT. Again I will be putting out this written content on along with images that I have made using another AI software, Midjourney, so that there will be a plethora of images to go along with all of this writing.
I do want to continue this conversation next week as I haven’t even gotten into the future emotions that don’t even exist yet as I had Chat GPT hypothesize a future emotion humanoid AI could possibly suffer from.
Appreciate you listening and will see you next week!