Indefatigable Artist Podcast Ep. 5 - One Moment of Time
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What’s Good Peeps?
Hope all are doing well.
I actually took my first day off of the year this past Sunday.
It was an unexpected day off and wasn’t planned. I actually was starting to get sick, think my body was just wore out from going so many days in a row. Have to listen to your body. My previous day off was the last day of 2022! Where I watch Michigan lose a game they most definitely should have won, anyway, that was the last day I took off from the computer.
@bleacenft What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence? Competition or Integration? #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #universeofoverthinkers #NewPodcastAlert ♬ Blade Runner 2049 - Synthwave Goose
That one I had at least planned for. This one was unexpected but needed. I say that for a couple reasons. One it threw off my entire week as I had to push some projects back that I was working on. Including my prep for this week’s episode, but here we are. 5th episode is underway and I am doing the best I can.
That is all we can do right? The best we can. We may have in our mind what we expect out of ourselves, but I am human, I am organic, at least I think so, and I have ups and downs, and I used to push through days like that. Oh, I don’t care if I am sick, I don’t care if I don’t feel well, I am going to push through because that is what must be done! I am not weak, I can work through that.
But what I have come to learn is that behavior and that mentality is me disrespecting myself, my entire being. And I don’t do my best work when I would do that. I would also make the situation worse in the long run.
Say I did push through on Sunday when I wasn’t feeling well. I probably wouldn’t have rested my body, I would have made myself weaker. How off would I have been the next day and the day after? It’s a domino effect and a disrespect to my body and mind. How off would my work have been not only for that day but the subsequent days.
Have to remember, and constantly remind myself, that it’s a marathon not a sprint, even though sometimes it can feel like a sprinted marathon.
And that’s what it feels like when you look on social media and see what people are posting. Hashtag no days off. Team no sleep.
But then you listen to top performers, athletes, CEOs, people like Jeff Bezos, Tom Brady, Jim Kwick, Lebron James. And how much they prioritize sleep in their schedule. How they schedule out off days. I just wish they would be more proactive talking about the importance of sleep and how it’s rest that has enabled them to succeed at the highest levels. You can hear them talk about sleep in interviews and speeches, yes, but do those clips get shared enough? I would say not.
I know I seem to talk about sleep a lot but it’s because of this culture of always having to be grinding. Of so many people bragging about working nonstop.
I work 16 hours shifts, and take care of 3 kids, I have 2 or 3 jobs, I only sleep 3 hours a night cause I work so much.
I feel bad for you. You’re being exploited. How much time do you spend doing what you love? How much time do you spend for yourself?
Take a moment.
Everything is a rush, rush, rush.
Everyone is just racing a lifeless finish line
Poem from A Bleaceful Sleep, ongoing poetry project I have been working on this past year. A little hobby of putting poems together with some animations.
When you were born, were you ready to live? Who taught you how to live? Who taught you what a ‘normal’ life was? Why is that normal? How many places have you visited in this physicality we call reality? How many languages do you speak? How many different cultures can you reach?
Now in answering those questions, think about AI. How many languages artificial intelligence can speak. It’s not just one computer, no, it’s hundreds, if not thousands across the globe, all connected, all pulling from a massive database, if one computer goes down, there are more to solve the equation to complete the task at hand.
How are individual humans supposed to compete with that?
I don’t think it’s a matter of competition. It’s a matter of integration. Humans are integrating more and more with artificial intelligence. Soon the lines between what we call organic and what we call artificial will be blurred and eventually obsolete.
I have thought for a long time that our views on this subject have been off.
Why do we look at computer as not organic? Were they not created on this planet just like humans? So what if humans invented them, did they not use their ‘organic’ brains to do so? What minerals make up this computer? Where do they come from?
Might also have to do a later episode on simulation theory, very interesting topic in regards to our perceived reality. Question everything. So many rest and relieve their anxiety or thoughts on the word ‘normal’ or the phrase ‘well it’s always been this way.’
Been this way for how long? A hundred years? Two hundred years? Do you know how insignificant that is to this planet? To this galaxy, to this universe? Zoom out. You’re living in another human’s creation again. Getting caught up in these illusory thoughts that have no bearing on another planet.
I know, just dismiss it, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Ah, who has time to think about those things? Why bother? That’s for someone else to think about, who is Pete Davidson fucking this week? Who do the Eagles play? Was that a catch or wasn’t it? I have to get ready to go to work at a job I loathe. But yes, I am the crazy one. I will wear that like a badge of honor when I look at what is normal in society.
I have been fascinated by Artificial Intelligence for a long time. especially the writing of Ray Kurzweil, who is the one who applied the term Singularity, to the moment in which computers become more intelligent than humans. A moment when they will no longer need human intervention to improve their software and hardware. When this moment happens, humans as we know them today, will not be able to keep up.
Looking at computers now, you would think it laughable, as a lot of people have over the past few decades since his first book came out. But I didn’t, neither did people like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.
But now, just within the last month of this new year. People are starting to realize this real inevitability, and I do say it’s inevitable.
What is being created should be seen as the next evolutionary step for humankind. It’s this step that is going to allow humans to continue to be nomadic, to venture off into space. We are not meant to stay a one planet species. We are meant to travel, to venture out into new worlds.
Right now our minds, are centralized to one physical body. What if, like computers today that I previously mentioned, we had the ability to live through several ‘bodies’ or computers, to be conscious, to have experiences that last for as long as we want them to, as Kurzweil states. People will go from having a finite number of years, to living as long as they want to live.
What fascinates me most about this, is that we still don’t know how consciousness works, where these thoughts actually come from. We can see neural firings but it doesn’t tell the entire story.
I only mention that because this experience we are having now is what?
The odds of you being here are so small, you wouldn’t even think it possible if you weren’t here right now.
What is this experience you’re having right now? What are you seeing right now that tells you this is ‘reality’ a bunch of known sensory inputs? You can see, hear, smell, touch, taste, feel, have emotions. So if we mimic that to the point where you can’t tell the difference between what you experience now vs what you can experience inside of a computer, then what?
If while you were sleeping, someone hooked you up to a computer, and when you woke up the next day, you thought it was just any other normal day, everything around you feels the way you know it now, all the sights the sounds, smells, your daily breakfast tastes the same, you clothes are all there, everyone outside is all there, the stores are there, your car is there, you drive it.
But it was all happening now in a computer instead of on planet earth, yet you couldn’t tell a single difference. They wait until you get to work and sit at your desk, or whatever it is, then they unhook you from the computer, and you are back in bed.
We have a ways to get there, but I implore you to look at how rapid change is happening. Software is getting better at a much faster rate.
Look how well a computer program can teach a human how to fly a plane? The easy go to for the time being.
I bring all this up to share where a lot of my thinking come from.
I try to think years ahead, and how future humans will be thinking. What problems they will be having, and how they will be looking back at us during this time at the problems we face and laugh, like they had it easy back then! If they only knew what we were facing now.
And that is important to bring up about this new technology. It doesn’t mean this gets invented all of our current problems will go away and there will be this problem less utopia that we are all living in. no, there are always more obstacles to overcome. Yet, we have to overcome the current obstacle to get to the next, to keep advancing and progressing as a species. Adapt or die.
Choose the next best step. One step at a time.
That is what we have to do collectively, not just individually.
In a time where information can be spread faster than any other time in human history, it amazes me, yet doesn’t surprise me, that false information gets shared at the rate it does verse empirically backed information.
I won’t even get into what is false or not. Why? BECAUSE THE FUCKING UNIVERSE DOESN’T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK WHAT YOU BELIEVE! THE UNIVERSE IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO MAKE SENSE TO YOU! The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you! #thoughtprovoking #saturdaymood #trippyvisuals #author ♬ Sci-fi, futuristic, texture, game(1025281) - Darian
Why? Because your fucking beliefs go out the fucking window when mother nature slaps you in the fucking face. Humans can’t be so narcissistic to think they can destroy this planet? You think you can destroy the planet? Humans have only been on this fucking planet for tiny fraction of this planet’s entire existence. Sure, it has never seen a species as destructive as ours, but that doesn’t mean one species can destroy the planet… that is ridiculous. What this one species can do, is make this planet uninhabitable for itself and many other species. It can push forward the next mass extinction, and will this be the first time there has been a mass extinction on this planet?
No it will be the sixth. I repeat, the SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION. And guess what keeps happening? The earth just keeps spinning. Just keep spinning, just keep spinning. Just keeps orbiting this one singular star among trillions of others like it, it’s nothing special, neither is this planet when we finally discover there are others like it, right now it’s special, but that’s relative to what we know.
Humans have come a long way on this planet, and it’s done so by solving problems. We have a lot of serious problems that face us right now. What I want to do here is to simply bring them up, and make people realize that we have to come together to solve them. As the one of the few conscious problem-solving species on this planet it is up to us to not only help ourselves but help other species as well.
People today, keep putting their beliefs in text written thousands of years ago, ahead of what new information we have before us.
I say all of this, to bring up the thought process of a computer that is more intelligent than humans. How will they process belief and empirical information. How fast will they adapt to new information? Will they hold onto to old beliefs or will they change their behavior, change their thought process as they continue to learn?
Learning is a lifelong process, it’s incessant, never ending.
Growth mindset over a fixed mindset. Growth mindset vs a fixed mindset, growth mindset will win every time.
We have to continue to grow. Adapt, get better as a species. Progress, one step at a time.
I do want this podcast to be an escape from harsh reality, but how can it be if we don’t at least address it as a starting off point to push off of?
I also want this podcast to get people to zoom out a bit. To see these obstacles from afar. Both spatially afar, and temporally.
I try to think of what a more intelligent species would do. How would a more intelligent species handle the fact that their behavior is having a negative effect on the environment causing catastrophic damage at a rapid rate, killing millions of it’s own species, making the planet less habitable for future generations? Would they continue doing this harmful behavior or would they have a growth mindset and adapt?
The universe, this planet, doesn’t give a fuck about your beliefs. This planet doesn’t care how much money you are making off this harmful behavior.
Would a hundred dollar bill save you from a meteor smacking you in the fucking face?
How many gun deaths were there before guns were invented? New technology brings about new problems.
Would a 20 dollar bill feed you when there aren’t any grocery stores? How long can you eat paper dollar bills and survive?
We as a species have gone from self-preservation to selfish greed and it’s causing irreparable harm to our living environment. Would you let someone with muddy boots come into your living place and lay in your bad covered in dirt and soil and sewage or would you make them change their behavior?
Do you think more intelligent species will be greedy? Or will they realize they just need enough to stay alive and survive, and to do as they please for as long as they please?
Will a hundred million dollars save you from having a fatal heart attack? Sure can point to all the environmental factors that make it less likely for someone of those means to have less of a chance for a heart attack verse someone who lives in poverty. But in that moment, when the heart attack occurs, and you are there in your last moments, gasping your last breathe, will reaching for your bank account and holding onto all of that money save you? Will laying in a bed of money save you from your own body?
Look at the materialism that we prioritize. Who do we look up to the most; the ones who distract us the most or the ones who teach us the most?
To take this next evolutionary step in the most progressive way. Is going to require us to question how that step will be taken. Who will be initially programming this artificial intelligence? In many ways, it’s become the next space race. What will these initial computerized beings be made for? War? Hospitality? Lawyering?
I do hope you have enjoyed today’s episode. I know I have hit on difficult topics and not all will agree with my takes, and like I have said from the onset, I am open to any and all comments and questions. If you want to push back on something I have said, I an open to it. I will not look to silence any voice, this a safe space for debate. I feel good debating is missing from social media. It was just been yelling and screaming, no one really saying anything meaningful, they are just trying to anger the other side, down is up, no up is down, ok up is down, well now down is up! No matter what you say, I will say the opposite, just because I don’t want to align with you!
Ultimately, I know many people have a fixed mindset, whether they are conscious of it or not is another matter.
I do not claim to know everything, or think that I have it figured out. I have a deep veneration for this universe and am a lifelong learner. I approach this life with a growth mindset and try to learn something new everyday. I have a deep respect for this planet as well and think humans have become so narcissistic they think this planet is theirs and that they have the ability to control it, that they have this planet in submission, that they have mastered this planet, and I am here to say that is not the case and in every way I am pro mother nature.
I’ll end today’s episode with a poem I wrote a few years ago, that I feel expresses the point I am trying to make. Stanzas of this poem I actually put into the first novel Bleace,
Thank you for listening to today’s episode. I really do hope you enjoy these episodes. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think and what you would like me to talk about next week.
I look forward to Going Further Together, One Step at a Time.