MetaPerformer Spotlight: Serena Elis
The first time I went to a MetaPerformance in Decentraland was at MetaZoo on Friday December 24th, 2021. I saw a number of acts that night and the biggest takeaways was not only seeing Serena Elis perform for the first time, but getting to talk to her in a Twitter Space afterwards. It was like getting to go backstage to talk to the band, a surreal experience that has occupied my mind to this day.
For those who don’t know her already, Serena Elis is a music producer, Singer and Digital Designer. CEO of DXS, Daydream by SEA. Her work consists of music production and distribution, NFTS, 3D Digital Art and dipping into Virtual Reality. To quote her profile, “I know the power of music and art, and how it shapes culture and thinking, so I am looking forward to putting a unique style of mine into this world. My vision is to create a visual and audio experience for viewers in the Metaverse and bring a new way at experiencing creative expression. I also hope to be a part of a movement of equality.”
Serena is an inspirational force in the Web 3 space with a consistent work ethic. I have seen her perform now quite a few times, and each time is a new experience, something I have so much respect for as an artist. I have seen other mainstream DJs multiple times and not be as varied, it’s like if you’ve seen it once you’ve seen enough, this is not the case with Serena. She is a true artist who is always coming up with different sets, that takes a mastery of the craft, that takes persistence, and perseverance. This write up is an appreciation post as Serena has become a dear NFT fren joining us in the MetaParty Space every Friday after she performs at her space in Decentraland.
What I love most about this experience is first, the butterfly effect in the universe, one thing leading to another. Back in December I had only been in Twitter Spaces for a couple of months, hosting my first Twitter Space on November 15th, 2021. I had found out about Metazoo through these spaces, that they held them every Friday Night, and are still putting them on. From there, I get to experience all of this music that I would have likely never heard if it weren’t for the Metaverse.
“As an Artist, Social Platforms has put tremendous pressure on myself and other Artists and people around the world. I was never a fan of likes, and numbers that determines someone value, which can also shape the way a group or a person views you. Imagine a social platform without algorithm or that doesn't consist of numbers? Would we find more talent in the world? Because I believe we would. As I have studied the way the music industry works, we highlight specific individuals as greater then, and overlook the ones behind the scenes. With that being said, I am excited to see a new generation of artist emerge into a decentralized one, where the power can go to the artist. It gives more independent creators and viewers to have control of their future, what they want to hear, what they want to see. Art brings peace and community together, so lets make it a beautiful.” - Serena Elis.
That is what is great about the Metaverse for all artists, is that it goes beyond the algorithm, the algorithm which has kept apart artists from consumers. Yes, the platform algorithms are supposed to make us more connected, which they have to a certain point, there are still voids, as the algorithm favors what is more popular, what is getting more likes and listens will get pushed more than a small artist who may not have that kind of exposure. And yes, we all know the ones that go viral, those are the shooting stars in the sky that get the quick attention, the exceptions not the rules.
If it weren’t for the Metaverse, or these Twitter Spaces, I wouldn’t have been exposed to most of the artists that I have met since last October. Some have come and gone, but Serena is one of the few who is still here each and every week. A testament to this consistency over time, her genesis collection on Opensea has sold out, how do I know this? Because I was the last one to get a piece! Kolorful has one as well! We both rock her wearable with us wherever we go in Decentraland!
With women being a huge minority in the Web 3 space, I think its vital for men like myself to support in anyway we can to make sure all voices are heard equally. A higher tide raises all ships as they say. With this blog post and vlog edits I want to bring what I can to the table and shed light on other artists who inspire me.
If you’re not already following Serena on all platforms, please do, she will bless your timeline. It’s also a way of supporting artists, a like and a share goes a long way for a small artist. It’s not always buying art from them, it's free to support artists in this way. If you don’t have a computer to run Decentraland, please be sure to check out the Twitch Stream, Tik Tok, or YouTube Channel to at least see the MetaPerformances described above. Let’s Go Further Together!