First World Sleep Day Celebration in Virtual Reality
This is my first year officially involved with World Sleep Day as a Sleep Society Member. Click to Learn More.
As a newly minted member of the World Sleep Society, I'm embarking on a significant journey this year, contributing for the first time to the global conversation on sleep health.

But this is no ordinary participation. I'm taking a leap into the future by hosting an innovative virtual event at Nyankee’s build in Decentraland on March 15th, a full twelve hours from 12pm to 12am UTC (8am – 8pm EST). This will be a day where the virtual and the real coalesce to celebrate and educate on the critical subject of sleep.
Virtual reality technology isn't just about gaming or escapism; it's a revolutionary tool for bringing together diverse individuals from across the globe.
What better way to celebrate this year's theme, Sleep Equity for Global Health, than in a space that erases geographical boundaries and time zones, inviting everyone into a unified, engaging, and enlightening environment.
During this unique event, I'll be live streaming an immersive experience on YouTube, Twitch and Kick using a blend of captivating animations and AI-driven voice technology (Eleven Labs) to share insights and facts about sleep's indispensable role in our lives.
This stream isn't just about stating facts; it's about storytelling, bringing to life the critical ties between sleep, creativity, and daily productivity. In an era dominated by the 'Team No Sleep' mantra, our event aims to dismantle myths and highlight how true leaders in productivity actually prioritize rest, often working closely with sleep specialists to optimize their health and output.
My involvement with World Sleep Day stems from a deep-seated passion and concern.
As a creative professional, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of sleep. Yet, in our hustle culture, there's a prevailing brag about sleeplessness as a badge of honor—a detrimental trend that undermines both personal well-being and genuine productivity.
This event, therefore, is not just a celebration but a call to action: to shift perceptions, to educate, and to inspire a new wave of thought around sleep and its fundamental role in our lives.
I invite you to join me in this groundbreaking virtual event. It's an opportunity not just to learn about the scientific and practical aspects of sleep but to become part of a movement that champions sleep equity for global health.
Let's come together to debunk the myths, to understand the real link between sleep and success, and to celebrate the quiet power of rest in the immersive world of virtual reality.
This World Sleep Day, let's bridge the gap between science and society, between dreams and reality.
Join me in at Nyankee's build in Decentraland, and let's pave the way for a future where sleep is not a luxury or an afterthought but a foundational pillar of health, creativity, and productivity.

If you can’t make it in-world, please join the live stream on YouTube, Twitch or Kick and Let’s Go Further Together.